Most natural fibers such as wool, cotton, etc., there are only a few inches long, so you have to rub them first growth yarn
Author:管理员    Released in:2017-07-25 03:12:23    Written words:【Big】【In the】【Small
Abstract:Most natural fibers such as wool, cotton, etc., there are only a few inches long, so you have to rub them first growth yarn, and then weave, the first to use this way, life is probably around 9000 BC in rice suo of residents in the mountains of gloucester, because they are the first to tame sheep people.
Most natural fibers such as wool, cotton, etc., there are only a few inches long, so you have to rub them first growth yarn, and then weave, the first to use this way, life is probably around 9000 BC in rice suo of residents in the mountains of gloucester, because they are the first to tame sheep people.

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