Flax fiber is the earliest human use of natural fiber, is the only natural fiber bundle of plant fiber
Author:管理员    Released in:2017-07-25 03:11:49    Written words:【Big】【In the】【Small
Abstract:Flax fiber is the earliest human use of natural fiber, is the only natural fiber bundle of plant fiber, with natural spindle structure and unique pectic substance hypotenuse hole,

Flax fiber is the earliest human use of natural fiber, is the only natural fiber bundle of plant fiber, with natural spindle structure and unique pectic substance hypotenuse hole, the resulting excellent moisture absorption, breathable, antiseptic, antibacterial, low static features, makes the flax fabric can natural breathing fabrics, known as "fiber queen". Under normal temperature, linen dress can make the body feeling temperature drop 4-5 degrees, so the linen and known as "natural air conditioning". And because of flax is a kind of rare natural fiber, accounts for only 1.5% of the natural fiber, flax products prices are relatively expensive, become the symbol of the identity and status in foreign countries.

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